This shows grade level based on the discussion'southward complexity.
[ wuht, wot, hwuht, hwot; unstressed due westuht, hwuht ]
/ wʌt, wɒt, ʰwʌt, ʰwɒt; unstressed wət, ʰwət /
- New Word Listing
This shows grade level based on the word'due south complexity.
Definition of what
(used interrogatively as a request for specific data): What is the matter?
(used interrogatively to inquire about the graphic symbol, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he exercise?
(used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds?
the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: a lecture on the whats and hows of crop rotation.
(used interrogatively before nouns): What news? What apparel shall I pack?
whatever: Take what supplies yous need.
Do you lot have the grammar chops to know when to use "have" or "has"? Let'south observe out with this quiz!
My grandmother ________ a wall total of antiquarian cuckoo clocks.
Idioms about what
Origin of what
before 900; Middle English language; Old English hwæt; cognate with German language was,Dutch wat,Erstwhile Norse hvat; alike to Gothic hwa,Latin quod,Greek tí
usage note for what
Words nearby what
Wharton, Edith, Wharton's duct, Wharton'south jelly, wharve, wharves, what, whata, what about, whataboutery, whataboutism, what'd
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random Firm Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to use what in a sentence
British Dictionary definitions for what
/ (wɒt, unstressed wət) /
Definition of what
- used with a substantive in requesting further information nigh the identity or categorization of something what chore does he do?
- (as pronoun) what is her address?
- (used in indirect questions) does he know what homo did this?; tell me what he said
- the (person, matter, persons, or things) that we photographed what animals we could run across
- (as pronoun) bring me what you've written; come what may
in what respect? to what degree? what do you care?
non standard which, who, or that, when used as relative pronouns this is the human what I saw in the park yesterday
what about what do you think, know, feel, etc, concerning?
what for
- for what purpose? why?
- informal a punishment or reprimand (esp in the phrase requite (a person) what for)
Word Origin for what
Old English language hwæt; related to Old Frisian whet, Former German language hwaz (German language was), Old Norse hvatr
usage for what
The use of are in sentences such equally what we need are more than doctors is common, although many people call back is should be used: what we need is more than doctors
Collins English language Lexicon - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with what
In addition to the idioms beginning with what
- what nearly
- what practise you know
- what practise you accept me for?
- what for
- what gives
- what goes around comes around
- what have you
- what if
- what in the earth
- what is more
- what it takes
- what makes 1 tick
- what of it?
- what the hell
- what with
The American Heritage® Idioms Lexicon Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor.
Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/what
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